Q & A:

Q: What are your rates?
A: $500 per day includes lodging & engineering, or $50 per hour without lodging.

Q: Do you require a deposit to confirm dates?
A: Yes, $500. If dates are cancelled or postponed less than
2 months prior, the deposit is non-refundable.

Q: What are your mixing and mastering rates?
A: $50 per hour for all unattended sessions.

Q: What type of tape do I need, how much do I need and where do I get it?
A: Any of the following brands/formulations of two inch tape are good:
RMG/RTM 900, Quantegy/Ampex 499 or GP9, BASF/EMTEC 900, or ATR as a last resort.
There's about 33 minutes on a reel.
You can get RTM tape HERE.
I would stay away from used tape unless you know for
sure that it's in good condition and not full of splices.

Q: I can't afford tape, can I rent a reel and dump to digital as we go?
A: Yes, tape rental is $50.

Q: Can you do digital multitrack recording?
A: Yes, Yes I can. Quite well, if I do say so myself.

Q: Do you have pro tools?
A: Fuck no. I use Reaper.

Q: What hours do you usually work?
A: The earliest start time is 2pm. A typical day runs from 2pm to 10 or 11pm, depending on volume.

Q: How long will it take to record an album?
A: This is mostly up to you. I've recorded and mixed an album in two days and I've spent 7 months straight on one.
It depends on how much time you want to- and can afford to- spend on it, how well you know your songs
and how much time you want to spend writing parts in the studio.
It usually takes 2-4 hours to set up for tracking a basic guitar/bass/drums type band.
Depending on the complexity of the mix; 1-4 hours set up time and 1-4 hours per song.
The amount of time spent between setting up and mixing is entirely up to you.

Q: Do you have a ---- I can borrow?
A: There's a full list of gear here.

Q: How far from civilization are you?
A: 10 minutes from Grass Valley, 1 hour from Sacramento and 2.5 hours from San Francisco.

Q: Is the house equipped with Mario Kart?
A: Yes.

I still have questions...

All my questions have been answered!